Re: 3 questions:Anyone using an Omnipod pump? Anyone loving it? Anyone getting it funded by Surrey PCT?

Home Forums Living with type one 3 questions:Anyone using an Omnipod pump? Anyone loving it? Anyone getting it funded by Surrey PCT? Re: 3 questions:Anyone using an Omnipod pump? Anyone loving it? Anyone getting it funded by Surrey PCT?


Hi @Jane, sorry for the delayed reply- I’ve been ignoring the internet over xmas!
I still love the omnipod, although now I’m annoyed that I don’t have the little ones yet- they gave me another 3months of old pods after my last post. Looking forward to my next restocking though! Do you have the smaller PDM too? There was an ad in Balance this month that made me salivate slightly… it seemed to suggest they would be upgrading us soon.

My only real niggle is that I’m really struggling to adjust my insulin properly when I exercise- I in;