As a child I went on several holidays for children with diabetes organised by Diabetes UK. They were brilliant, I loved them. Lots of sports and adventures along with some diabetes education. And that amazing feeling when you realise that you’re not the only person in the world who does injections. And that slightly strange feeling when you first see someone else have a hypo – do I really look like that?!
As an adult I’ve spoken at several events for parents of newly diagnosed children about what it’s like to grow up with diabetes. They seem reassured to see a normal person enjoying life to the full with all limbs still attached and major organs still functioning perfectly.
And then there are the events for people who are diagnosed as adults where the education is important but the really valuable advice seems to be traded in the bar in the evening. For me the most powerful moment at any of these events is when I listen to people with diabetes discovering that they’re not alone, that someone else is going through the exact same thing as them.
Personally I think these events make a difference but that’s just me. I’d love to know about your experiences.
Have you been to events like this as an adult or as a child? What did you get out of them? Would you recommend them? What difference did they make to you?
Thank you!