Reply To: Hungary to punish diabetics if they don’t stick to diet

Home Forums Living with type one Hungary to punish diabetics if they don’t stick to diet Reply To: Hungary to punish diabetics if they don’t stick to diet


Hello… long time no log in, but here I am again with my views on this.. I had a pump clinic appointment recently, and found out my HbA1c has shot up (ok, followed a regular pattern) to 11ish (arrgh!!) Yes, I’m not feeling great, and I need to do more testing to have some info to work on rather than correct blind, but basically, I was gently “reminded” that the reason I was given the pump in the first place was because I fitted the criteria for having one, and was a deserving case.. However, with this latest continual rise in average bg’s, I would no longer fit the criteria for having a pump, and that unless I get my arse in gear and use it to my advantage, that they may have to consider whether I should still have it (OMG – please don’t take it away!!)

So yes, I need to sort myself out (in oh so many ways) and get back on track with single figure bg’s as a regular occurrence.. Although it wasn’t exactly a “threat” – I can see where they’re coming from, and it has given me a wake-up call to make a renewed effort to get back in control.. So I can sort of see where the Hungarians are coming from, in reality though, it’s not that simple to refuse all the fancy stuff/drugs and go back to basics, because in my case, that would completely work the other way, and I’d end up going out on a “high” with death by chocolate..!