Re: 3 questions:Anyone using an Omnipod pump? Anyone loving it? Anyone getting it funded by Surrey PCT?

Home Forums Living with type one 3 questions:Anyone using an Omnipod pump? Anyone loving it? Anyone getting it funded by Surrey PCT? Re: 3 questions:Anyone using an Omnipod pump? Anyone loving it? Anyone getting it funded by Surrey PCT?


Hi @agold welcome to ShootUp!

I know we have at least two Omnipod users on the site, although I’m not sure they’re in Surrey, but hopefully someone can help.

Have you called the Omnipod manufacturers and asked them to give you the stats of how many funded users they have in Surrey? Its in their interest to flog more pumps, so they should be willing to help provide you with data to make your case. Medtronic were really helpful for me when I was fighting for CGM funding.

Have you been refused funding for any pump or just for the Omnipod? When I read your reasons for wanting one “it’s all about confidence and regaining a small slice of ‘normality’ (whatever that is!) and greater flexibility which I know would make me feel a load better psychologically” they all sound like great reasons for wanting a pump, but if I was dishing out funding, I wouldn’t see why you needed an Omnipod rather than any other (cheaper) pump?

Good luck!