Re: 3 questions:Anyone using an Omnipod pump? Anyone loving it? Anyone getting it funded by Surrey PCT?

Home Forums Living with type one 3 questions:Anyone using an Omnipod pump? Anyone loving it? Anyone getting it funded by Surrey PCT? Re: 3 questions:Anyone using an Omnipod pump? Anyone loving it? Anyone getting it funded by Surrey PCT?


Hi Anna,
I’m the other Omnipodder, I live near Oxford and fall between 2 PCT’s in Bucks and Oxford. The Oxon PCT would have given me the equivalent pump of a brick but luckily the Bucks are still listening to patient choice etc.

Like you I had been on MDI for over 20 years and decided because I do a lot of sport that the Omnipod would work for me and generally it has with a few teehing problems as Richard mentioned. It is incredibly easy and pain free to put on but an argument you could use is that it is waterproof and the fact you can leave it on for 3 days will improve control etc, no breaks at all in insulin delivery, could be worth mentioning your desire to be an Olympic / synchronised swimmer.

It would definitely be worth speaking to Ypsomed directly to get the relevant arguments for it to justify the marginally smaller increase in costs and they will probably be able to send you a dummy pod to test out. Do ask me anything else if you have more questions, there aren’t many of us due to the financial rationing of the NHS.