Home › Forums › Living with type one › 3 questions:Anyone using an Omnipod pump? Anyone loving it? Anyone getting it funded by Surrey PCT? › Re: 3 questions:Anyone using an Omnipod pump? Anyone loving it? Anyone getting it funded by Surrey PCT?
Hi Hilary, impressed at the Internet vacation, must try it! Yes basals during sport takes a long time to sort and then when they look ok they change again so it seems to be never ending. I’m trying to get on the Animas sports weekend course in Loughborough in May which I hear is excellent and might provide hints and tips on this.
Yes I get marks from the pods but mainly on my bum, legs seem to be OK, there are sprays and lotions that help a little, I’ve tried Opsite spray which is not perfect but not bad either. With the little pods, I’ve been trying new places and the best so far oddly is my calf, no marks, good results and although it shows in leggings it’s almost hidden by boots and jeans and nice to have away from the trunk. I’ve also tried a boob when wearing a tight dress, brilliant sugars but I was aware of it by the 3rd day and glad to remove it.