Sorry if it’s a repeat post, I tried a quick search but couldn’t think of alternative ways of phrasing it!
Was brought to mind by the Phantom Hypos topic: Reminded me of the times (yes, I’m stupid enough to have done it more than once!) I’ve ended up walking home from work hypo. That’s a 5 mile walk along a usually deserted canal path… I had a single pack of glucose tablets each time (actually one of them it was only half full), but got bloody minded about it and ploughed on regardless Stupid village near work not having any shops or even an open pub!
Once I got home and back to normal I was quite freaked out retrospectively at how stupid it was!
While baby-sitting my sister’s dog* in 2000, I woke up with hypo heaves, barfed my breakfast into the bowl I’d just emptied and proffered it to Bubbles, who didn’t think it stupid at all – gobbled it up with great gusto (for her taste, regurgitated baby cereal must’ve been quite tame – I’ve seen her devour rotten sheep guts, too :-9)
*rottweiler {in size} x bull terrier {in shape}, who imagined herself small enough to sit on your lap
Apologies for spilling my guts in such revolting & foul fashion, but at that moment, feeding the pooch some puke seemed a sane and sensible thing to do. Fortunately, most of the time, my hypo-follies remain an abstract fizzing of the brain – a swig of glucose later, and I stop feeling as if I’m wirelessly connected to the universe…
@teloz: In 2008/09, the NHS paid £288.3 million to finance your drug habit – shame on you for having developed such staggering tolerance
@neobrainless: Have you ever done anything “intelligent” (like @mustard‘s fence measuring) when hypo? It’s just that one is supposed to have a bit of upper storey to let at those times – even if I’ve had some brilliant epiphanies while under (after antidote they realise how ridiculous they are and skulk off into the recesses )
Well, when it comes to hypos, breakfast and erm the other thing….
A few years back I was v hypo when I woke up… so I went downstairs to get some breakfast.
I got a small breakfast bowl out and put it on the kitchen table, emptied the entire contents of a large box of cornflakes on top of the bowl followed by a full 4 pint container of milk, then I cracked 4 raw eggs on top to finish it off. I calmly sat down, while it all sort of swam around the table, and tucked in with a fork and spoon (?!)….. (unsurprisingly) at this point I started retching…. and my mum came downstairs and promptly gave me a glass of lucozade… all this time however my sister had been in the kitchen watching me and was by this point crying with laughter … thanks for that sis!
To this day I have no idea what the egg thing was all about but it seemed like a completely normal thing to do at the time!
Lol! Hello, I’m new to here, not to hypos… I can see I’m going to enjoy reading this thread!
Hypos that spring to mind – one just -before-Christmas, I became very hypo in our kitchen. My entire family (OH, two children) was there – but for some unknown reason they couldn’t find anything at all with sugar in, so opened the Christmas cake and fed me bits of it. It tasted absolutely foul – don’t know if this happens to you, but if I’m really low (this was 1.2) stuff tastes sort of sour. Do you become emotional when hypo? I was SO upset about the people who would open this cake on Christmas day, and it would taste AWFUL – I sat and howled with my face on the table, terribly distressed at the thought of all those ruined Christmases. When I came to, it was to find my family in hysterics.
My very worst embarrassing one was when I was just a teenager – I went to a party and followed my boyfriend (who was not really up-to-speed about hypos) round copying everything he did, since I couldn’t think for myself. He like celery with salt on. I decided I would also eat celery with salt on, but salt was very like sugar, I’d use a LOT of it, so got a piece of celery, poured half a pot of salt on it, then decided that wasn’t enough celery, put another piece on top and poured another huge half pot onto that – I have no idea what my manner was doing this, but I was dimly aware of people watching – then I spotted jelly. Jelly! That was sweet! I made my way to the jelly table, splurged the celery into one of the little pots of red jelly with cream on top. Hmm, not enough jelly! I needed jelly! So I tipped the jelly and celery onto the plate the jelly was on, and then tipped another lot of jelly on top of that, getting cream over all my fingers which I proceeded to lick off in a way I’d rather not describe here in public, and started to eat it off the plate with my mouth as I didn’t have enough strength to get to the cutlery table. I still go hot and cold remembering this.
If I have a hypo in the night I sometimes also have some really good ideas for posts on the blog (no, really) but I forget them by the morning. Maybe its a surge of flight or fight-related adrenaline that’s making us temporarily intelligent?
Really Tim? No, I mean REALLY? Because, being a writer, I keep paper and pen beside my bed. I have often written night time poems, sometimes while hypo, which I know are works of genius that will be anthologised for centuries, carrying my name on to amaze, educate and humble future generations. Until I read them in the morning that is. COMPLETE gobbeldy gook. That is, if I can decipher my hypo handwriting. I suggest you don’t worry at all about your lost ideas.
Well, they seem that way at the time. Actually, now I come to think of it, they’re probably not that good. Feeble, in fact. Liz, you’ve popped my hypo-creativity balloon…
Ooh, I feel all sad and mean now… I feel sure your hypo-creativity is much more genius-like than mine Tim. I have to admit, sometimes in the day it can lead to parallel-thinking which CAN spark creative links… occasionally… *Crawls away to cupboard to reflect on how she has made Tim feel feeble*
No, no Liz, that’s one of the things he’s there for
(I have trouble straight-line thinking when hypo, let alone parallel-thinking. Sit and stare at a lucozade bottle long enough, and it’s sugar content will somehow transfer into the glucose starved brain cells, that’s my limit when low…)
Well for me hypos effect me in two different ways. Sometimes i loose my temper sometimes i just go crazy.
I woke up last month having a hypo and literally tore my bedroom to pieces; i threw a pint glass agaisnt the wall, knocked over a book case and broke a good painting.
Or when im awake i do stragne things, the worst was in asda by the time i got to the till i literally had filled it with sweets like an enitre trolley i must of looked weird. I had also eaten some of them.
Also ive had one hypo near freinds where i went a bit crazy. They all panicked i said get me a sweet drink and they got me a pepsi max lol. And the other incident ive mentioned before when a female freind thought i had to stick a mars bar in my bum.
I used to refuse sugar a lot. I once became hypo in a supermarket and refused to eat the strawberry cake my OH had bought (the only thing I’d agree to, probably as it looked delicious) until he’d removed the strawberry, eaten the jelly and put the strawberry back on.
I never become violent thank goodness, but I am rather demanding. Once I came round in the middle of the night, my kids were in hysterics because I had (apparently) been insisting my OH go and stand outside the house with a sign round his neck saying ‘It’s all my fault’. It probably was of course.
Wow. I must make a mental note to NEVER date another diabetic! I think that could be dangerous by the sounds of it… At least to my currently excellent cold avoidance if they’re anything like @Lizz!
A few years ago whilst lying on the floor on the landing waiting for the coke to kick in my then two year son decided I’d be a good easel and after I came round a check in the mirror revealed biro all over my face. At least he was entertained whilst I was ‘busy’!