Re: Why get a pump if you’re happy with MDIs?

Home Forums Living with type one Why get a pump if you’re happy with MDIs? Re: Why get a pump if you’re happy with MDIs?

Annette A

I do wonder, I have to admit, where in their bras people put them. I’ve been told many times about people who do, but I’m at a loss as to where in my bra one would fit, and I can’t see how to clip mine at the front (maybe depends on type of pump – they are all different shapes)…Maybe I just wear too clingy clothes :-)
I solve the dress problem by making small slits in the side seams (or creating a ‘buttonhole’ if there’s no side seam) just big enough to fit the end of the tube through, then wear it on a belt/strap outside the dress. How’s your seamstress skills, @Mike?