Re: What do you sacrifice when you have angered the Diabetic Gods?

Home Forums Living with type one What do you sacrifice when you have angered the Diabetic Gods? Re: What do you sacrifice when you have angered the Diabetic Gods?


I think I may have angered the gods recently too, maybe there’s something in the air? Though I suppose my stress levels may have shot way up – though I feel happier now, I have committed myself to starting work over 100 miles away with nowhere to live yet…

This sacrifice of tea cakes and tea to appease Susan and Anthony sounds like an idea worth trying at any rate – I guess that’s tomorrow afternoon dealt with! :D Do think they’ll mind if I incorporate catching up on F1 practice at the same time?! :P

On the topic of bellys: Is it just me that has a strange mix of feelings about theirs? Some days I look and think ‘OH NO! I’m looking a bit thin – injections might get more painful’. Other days I look and think ‘OH NO! I’m looking a bit fat, maybe I should (try to) work that off’.
Or maybe I should just get over it? :P