Re: What cool stuff do you have in your diabetes clinic?

Home Forums Living with type one What cool stuff do you have in your diabetes clinic? Re: What cool stuff do you have in your diabetes clinic?


Aww my diabetic clinic is really drab and dreary compared to all the rest! At FDRI the diabetic clinic is situated in an old bungalow outwith the main hospital (nothing like making you feel unwanted by the general public of other ill people eh?) and is just down the drive from A & E (comforting/convenient?). First of all you are faced with a door that is permanently locked but if you do manage to get a nurses attention after ringing the bell for 3 days you are led into a dark, drab, dreary reception room which is piled high with leaflets which hold little relevance to type 1 diabetics and posters on the walls of yukky diabetic eyes, info on all the problems that will arise if you don’t look after yourself, and behind a glass window are the diabetic nurses all sitting over notes/telephones running late and ignoring you. This is why I ALWAYS take my mum to appointments ‘cos at least then I have someone to talk to. Very often if there’s other people in I try to talk to them but then I get scowled at :-( Am I the only one this happens to or are the diabetics in the Falkirk area just generally glum-faced?