Re: Sock Up and Block Up – Hideous photograph included!

Home Forums Sock Up and Block Up – Hideous photograph included! Re: Sock Up and Block Up – Hideous photograph included!

Annette A

@ckoei – that looks nasty, hope its settling ok!
I have a problem with socks becasue I’ve got fat ankles (it’s genetic – apparently, the first time my Dad’s mother saw my mother, her comment was ‘Hasn’t she got fat ankles?’ First impressions, hey?) – if the socks fit round my ankles, they are too loose at the top and fall down. If they fit at the top, my ankles feel like I’m wearing compression socks. My answer (when I need to wear long socks in the winter – I tend to wear trainer liners when its not as cold, which dont have to hold up anywhere) is welly boot socks. They are very long and fairly loose fitting, with a section at the top about 3 inches long which is ribbed slightly (but not much) tighter – similar to those you showed, but as the tightness is higher up the leg (designed to roll over the top of a welly boot) where the veins are deeper, they don’t cause as much compression.