Re: Raising money for diabetes charities

Home Forums Raising money for diabetes charities Re: Raising money for diabetes charities


Sigh, I so wanted to go to camp but my mum and dad wouldn’t let me go.

I have never raised money, probably as I would feel as if it was too personal, it would be like raising money for me. I have raised money for Lola’s charity to train dogs to alert for low blood sugar – maybe because we have taken none of their money (only time money) and paid for everything ourselves. I feel as if I’m raising money for the charity as I know the people who run it so well! (And if anyone here knows where i can find laptops or a year old desk computer they so dearly need I’d be very happy!).

My dad made me a life member as a child, and I feel as if that was enough! Wrong I know. I should do better. I feel guilty now. I tend to give to charities that make me cry, like Red Nose Day and Comic Relief. Whilst I’m sobbing I throw money at them.