Re: Interview with Katie Szyman, President Medtronic Diabetes – submit your questions

Home Forums Living with type one Interview with Katie Szyman, President Medtronic Diabetes – submit your questions Re: Interview with Katie Szyman, President Medtronic Diabetes – submit your questions


If you had diabetes, why would you choose a Medtronic pump?

What feature on your competitiors products do you wish you’d thought of first?

In terms of companies I buy things from, you are by far the supplier I spend most money with, yet I hear very little from you in terms of your future plans, upcoming products etc. Do you think you could communicate more effectively directly with your customers or is your focus on communicating to healthcare professionals because they tend to have more influence over which pump a patient uses?

How mature is the CGM market at the moment (ie if your target audience is say 30% of all Type 1’s, where are you against that) and is there a tipping point at which CGM would become more of a mass market product and prices could start to fall?

What do you see as the biggest barrier to pump and CGM take up?

As we are such an influential force in the diabetes community, is there anything you’d like to see soaraway ShootUp doing to increase usage of pumps and CGM?

And of course, the three obvious questions…what new tech is coming up in the next few years? What’s your vision of diabetes tech in 10 years time? And how do you sleep at night knowing that the the lives of so many puppies have been ended by your teams in Switzerland? ;)

And finally, what I want to know but it really isn’t worth wasting my time asking because if I was Katie I wouldn’t answer this – what’s the profit margin on pumps and CGM, and have you actually recouped your R&D costs for CGM yet?