Re: Interview with Katie Szyman, President Medtronic Diabetes – submit your questions

Home Forums Interview with Katie Szyman, President Medtronic Diabetes – submit your questions Re: Interview with Katie Szyman, President Medtronic Diabetes – submit your questions


@bob2, your posts don’t fire any shots at Katie, either… tutx3 :D. Back to business: how many iPads would a Brit be able to buy with the money they’d have to fork out for a Medtronic if the NHS didn’t do it for them? (I assume said service gets discount ’cause they buy them in bulk). And where in the world would a Medtronic be “cheapest”, if seen in economic context? Last time I checked, here in South Africa your pump would cost me R5000 more than the rural smallholding my sister acquired in 2002… totally unaffordable in absence of health service or insurance. Why is it so expensive (as compared to my laptop, that contains a fair bit more electronic organs than does the pump)?