Re: Interview with Diabetes UK Chief Exec – submit your questions

Home Forums Living with type one Interview with Diabetes UK Chief Exec – submit your questions Re: Interview with Diabetes UK Chief Exec – submit your questions


Hi Barbara, If we (a few friends from SUorPU) went out for a meal could you accurately estimate what insulin dose we would require? If not, why not ? Do you think you would have a better understanding of us Diab’s if you understood ratio’s of insulin to carb counts?

Have you every been attached to a pump? Would you be up to trying out a pump or having 4 stabs a day for a week ? How do you think your fingers would feel after 4-6 finger pricks of testing a day for a week?

Do you think you could cope with all the inaccurate information which is circulated almost every day by the press about a condition which you have no choice in and very little control over? How do you think you would feel after a very low blood sugar whereby you actually made a fool of yourself?

I’m sure you could add some more Tim!