Re: Hungary to punish diabetics if they don’t stick to diet

Home Forums Living with type one Hungary to punish diabetics if they don’t stick to diet Re: Hungary to punish diabetics if they don’t stick to diet

Annette A

But you could have, for example, your pump taken away. BUT this depends on having someone (the taker-away) who knows the user better than they know themselves – for example, my DSN has occasionally said to me ‘I can see this is happening – you need to do x.’ To which my response is ‘If I do x, they I will go hypo/hyper/be even more screwed up.’ Because I know how I react to small changes, and she only has second hand knowledge, and can only work on the ‘average’.
In summary, it wouldn’t work for diabetics on insulin. And I wouldnt suggest it for anyone else, of any clinical need.