Home › Forums › Living with type one › How *should* diabetes charities engage with the great unwashed? › Re: How *should* diabetes charities engage with the great unwashed?

I’m a little torn on this one.
I do however, regularly support JDRF for entirely selfish reasons – their focus is on trying to make themselves unneeded and I love that.
I don’t want too much interaction from JDRF. Let DUK do all the ‘supporting the person’ bit while I want as much of my money as possible to go towards finding that bloody cure and bringing it’s distance closer than ‘ten years away’. In the last nine months I’ve found more information from the general Diabetes Online Community (SUoPU included) than any charity has given me in the previous 31 years and going forward I think the discussion between fellow Ds will become increasingly important.
Charities have their role but, personally, I think it’s important that their number one focus is to work towards better treatment or cures for you, me and the future young children that will be diagnosed.
Obviously, that’s just my view but I’m quite happy with my opinion on this one.