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We are seeking men with Type 1 Diabetes!

Please consider participating in my research study and distributing it widely. The following advertisement is approved by the University of Georgia’s IRB:

Exploring Men’s Gender Role Conflict and Treatment Adherence in Type-1 Diabetic Men

We are interested in how gender and gender roles are related to your diabetes, especially in men. If you are at least 18 years old and would like more information about this research study please visit:

If you volunteer to participate, the survey will take approximately 20-25 minutes in total to complete.

Please help us by passing this information along! By completing the research survey, you will have the opportunity to register for one of two $50 gift cards. If you do not wish to participate in this research study but would like to enter into the drawing, please contact me at

The person in charge of this study is Bret Ringdahl, M.A., of University of Georgia Department of Counseling and Human Development Services. Bret is a doctoral student in counseling psychology and is being supervised in this project by Bernadette Heckman, Ph.D. For more information on them and their research programs, please email


Bret Ringdahl, M.A.
Doctoral Student, Counseling Psychology
Graduate Teaching Assistant
The University of Georgia
407 Aderhold Hall
Athens, GA 30602