As with every year, make sure you’re all on your best behaviour for Alison and when I come back I expect the place to be clean and tidy and no evidence of wild parties having taken place. Make sure to walk Nugent regularly and don’t forget that Neville has an appointment with the vet to have his claws clipped next week.
See you in a fortnight and try not to break the server while I’m away!
Has he gone? Right. What tangents are we headed off on this time? 🙂
I haven’t gone *quite* yet! So you’ll have wait touch longer to talk about me behind my back 😀
That’s sneaky, hanging around to see what we say about you. Have fun!
I’m actually going to be monitoring what everyone says *even more* closely than usual now!
Be careful @Tim, your ego will either inflate to the size that you can’t fit it into your suitcase, or deflate to the point where you can’t even find it to pack. Either way, I don’t think this will end well 😉
@Alison – I think the latter, but given my ego is already the size of Jupiter then a little deflation is a probably a good thing 😉
Have a gay old time, but don’t do anything I wouldn’t do! Drowning in days of drunken debauchery is not allowed! 😆
Why not?
By drinking big buckets* of beer,
Tim ends up as round as a sphere…
His buoyant, fat coat
Will keep him afloat,
No matter he drops off the pier.
*and he’s got a spade to paddle with, so fear not, @teloz 🙂
Do we really have to behave ? The idea of a wild party is extremely appealing – we can have disgustingly huge quantities of alcohol and blame any subsequent mis-behaviour on the failure of the venue to provide enough fruit pastilles !
We’ve descended into madness!
What do you mean, descended?
Quite – the bar was set pretty low to begin with 🙂