Obscure, perhaps, but this dog has an interest in Internet-related intellectual property and so was delighted to see that the two crazy worlds of diabetes and IP enforcement collided today with Bayer winning the domain name <bayercontour.com> under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP).
Thrillseeking adrenalin junkies will enjoy reading the full decision at Bayer
It’s an extraordinarily straightforward case which pretty much went through on the nod. But someone out there might be interested. I was! Woof!
Thrilling, Neville, thrilling. You’ll note that Roche also did a UDRP last year with Roche Diagnostics GmbH v. Land Merchandising Corp [WIPO Case No. D2010-0173]
Thanks Tim, I did see that one. Not to be left out, Sanofi-Aventis did one too which related to the domains abouttheinsulinlantus .com and insulinlantus .com. See: Sanofi-Aventis, Sanofi-aventis Deutschland GmbH v. Geiser Enterprises [WIPO Case No. D2008-1481]
Medtronic haven’t done a UDRP for years – the last one appears to be Medtronic, Inc. v. gotdomains4sale.com [WIPO Case No. D2001-1033] – which was almost ten years ago.
Neville, your hidden depths astound me
Cooool.. Just waiting for Novo Nordisk regards to a certain domain. Ooooppps? Possibly citing Section 6 C. Registered and Used in Bad Faith..
@Alison – and people say King Charles Spaniels are as thick as mince…
and where is the other little lad @nugent ??
@Mikeinspain – I hope they sue you rather than use the UDRP – Complainant’s can’t get punitive damages under the UDRP 😉
@Mikeinspain – Woof woof!
Thanks Tim.. Nice to see you in work mode their 😉 Would it be appropriate to perhaps threaten to inject their eyeballs with their own medication if they do try and sue. Did you know that in Japan they do allow for punitive damages?
Threatening injections in eyeballs always goes down a treat – go for it! 😀
Can we go back to the technological geekiness please? All this IP stuff has lost me totally…
Oh joy! Hurray! I have managed all my life without knowing that Bayer winning the domain name under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP), was the pinnacle of knowledge. My life is now complete. Our Beloved Leader (May blessings be upon him!) has taken us along the difficult, and rocky, path to enlightenment, and brought us to the glorious promised land of true knowledge and the meaning of life! We have achieved Nirvana!
(Errmm… That wasn’t a bit over the top, was it? I wouldn’t want anyone to think I was being sarcastic or anything… :P)
I had better keep quiet about virtuallypainfree.com or every meter manufacturer will UDRP me!