‘Grow your own transplant’ may be possible for men with type 1 diabetes

By | 13 December, 2010

Men with type 1 diabetes may be able to grow their own insulin-producing cells from their testicular tissue, say Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC) researchers who presented their findings today at the American Society of Cell Biology 50th annual meeting in Philadelphia.

This dog doesn’t know whether this is good or just a little bit icky!

Source: http://www.medicaldaily.com/news/20101212/4562/grow-your-own-transplant-may-be-possible-for-men-with-type-1-diabetes.htm

3 thoughts on “‘Grow your own transplant’ may be possible for men with type 1 diabetes

  1. Cecile

    For those of us not so brazenly βollocksed, there’s hope: your pancreatic extroverts can also be coaxed to become introverted βs…only if we all were immune-deficient. Though the Georgetown lot may be onto something: maybe T-cells (like @neville) think ball-βs are icky, too and won’t touch them ?

  2. Rohan

    I think I could deal with the icky for the benefits! *fingers crossed*

    Also, my crasser side would LOVE to see homophobes’ faces when I could say ‘I have balls inside me right NOW’ to them. Maybe that’s just me though…


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