Frosty the diabetic snowman

By | 22 December, 2010

I had the pleasure of bumping into one of ShootUp’s coolest fans in my back garden the other day. 

Frosty suffers from FPS (frozen pancreas syndrome), a rare form of diabetes. He’s an avid follower of ShootUp as you can tell from his dedication to Fruit Pastilles. Frosty told me he was delighted earlier in the year when he managed to get himself an insulin pump “The NHS told me I’d only get one when hell froze over, but it turns out it was enough for just Liverpool to freeze. I feel like a new snowman.” 

Frosty also said that rumours his pump would be available to the highest bidder come the springtime were hurtful and untrue.

With his insulin pump and trusty Fruit Pastilles, Frosty really is ShootUp's coolest fan

 Happy Christmas!

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About Alison

Diagnosed with Type One in 1983 at the age of four, Alison's been at this for a while now. She uses Humalog in a combined insulin pump and continuous glucose monitoring system and any blood glucose meter as long as it takes five seconds or less.

10 thoughts on “Frosty the diabetic snowman

  1. Cecile

    (N)ice! At first I thought Liverpool is home to some horribly disfigured Fruit Pastilles, but enlargement revealed the mouth’s contents to be stones (with happy fruit pastilles in pocket :))

  2. Cecile

    @teloz: Nah, in Liverpool, snow is sold as diabetic ice cream, so she’s probably going to devour him, head to toe…just beware of frostbite!

  3. Alison Post author

    @Tim I think this is how we make our fortune, get shovelling that Scottish snow into your freezer, we’re going into the diabetic ice cream business!

  4. Annette A

    ‘Fresh from the Highlands and Glens of Bonnie Scotland, Shoot Up is proud to bring to you, for your delectation, DIABICE!’

  5. Annette A

    ‘Newly available, for those moments when you need a little something extra, DIABICE with fruity pastilly bits for hypoglaecimally induced munchies!’

  6. Cecile

    Shoot Up’s newest – DIABICE with Huntus (empty insulin vials filled with Jägermeister, secreted about Frosty’s corpus)


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