Diabetic Terrorists

By | 5 January, 2010

Before we get on to the main article suggested by the intentionally provocative headline, first things first – happy New Year to all our beloved readers. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas (or equivalent winter-based festival) and a fab Hogmanay. I certainly did; hurrah!

Anyway, avid reader Rachel brought my attention to this article in the Express newspaper about insulin syringes and airport security. For our non-UK readers who might not know of it, the Express, in my humble opinion, is a worthless rag with horrible, ill-researched journalism (if you can call it that) that results in a paper that is barely worth using to line the cat’s litter tray.

Essentially the jist of the story is that following the Christmas Day bomb scare thing a journalist (if you can call him that) apparently “evaded security” by taking a insulin pen through the security checks at Schiphol airport. After successfully getting airside, the scaremongering article notes that said journalist could then have used the insulin filled pen to…uhm…uhm…not do very much. Oh. Perhaps that’s why security ignored his small vial of insulin in the first place.

I’ve written about airport security before and I’ve never had any problem with taking insulin, needles, finger-pokers and what-not through airports. I never bother telling anyone I have a bag full of insulin and I’ve never been stopped. My concealed pistol has, however, been slightly more problematic. With talk of security being beefed-up (including not allowing passengers access to hand-luggage during the last hour of flights, etc.) I wonder if the pancreatically-challenged hoards might have problems in future?

I suspect we probably won’t – after all there’s not much you can actually do with a syringe – a few small vials of insulin and a couple of packets of test strips could hardly pose a security threat. So I think the Express’ article completely missed the point in two major ways. Firstly, the baddie on Christmas Day also had a load of explosives strapped in his undies – surely that being missed is a little more of an issue than a syringe. And secondly it’s worth noting that not all terrorist attacks happen on planes. The London 7/7 and Madrid attacks were carried out on trains and buses but there’s no talk of security scans on the number 44 bus to Balerno. In other words a determined terrorist will always get through no matter what levels of security are imposed – so why take it out on us innocent diabetics?

Anyway, I’d be interested to hear if any of our readers have had any issues with security since Christmas Day (or indeed, ever). And finally, can any of you diabetic geeks work out what brand of insulin the reporter has in the pictures – I can’t. Answers in the comments below!

8 thoughts on “Diabetic Terrorists

  1. Mike

    Well a happy new year to the shoot up or put up team!!

    That looks as though it is a low grade weapon used with devastating effect whilst under the influence of sugar!

    Novo Nordisk Flex Pen containing such delightful ingredients such as oh, I remember now “Insulin”. Oh my.

    Can’t quite tell what gauge needle he is using.. Perhaps he could do us all a favour and plunge a 150mm gauge needle straight through his eyes.. 🙂

  2. Tim

    Mike Perhaps he could do us all a favour and plunge a 150mm gauge needle straight through his eyes.. :)

    Harsh, but fair! 😀

  3. Samantha

    Looks like novorapid or something similar to me. And that looks like the novopen i used to use, the colourful one for kids.

    I’ve never ever had a problem with security in airports with insulin. Not that I’ve travelled in a while, stupid lack of a passport, but when i did travel as a child with the family I remember my mum having a letter from the doctor explaining what everything was, and that no the 10 year old child with the needles wasn’t a terrorist!

    Happy New Year!!! I’m hoping for some rather hilarious diabetes incidents to delight you all with soom 🙂

  4. Alex

    This bloke is rather special. I would welcome more people posing with their favourite insulin-related item in various modes of transport with a cheeky grin.

  5. Mike

    Alex :
    This bloke is rather special. I would welcome more people posing with their favourite insulin-related item in various modes of transport with a cheeky grin.

    Now that seems a fantastic idea.. Maybe we can set up a special facebook group to showcase our naughty endeavors… 🙂

  6. Mike

    An even better idea! Can I hear the (DTG) Diabetes Terrorism Group taking hold as I type????


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