Just a quick post for the entertainment of all you wonderful pancreatically-challenged victims. I recently caught site of a health advice column in soaraway rag The Jakarta Post which is written by Ade Rai whom, if you didn’t know, is one of Indonesia’s most famous body-builders.
In his weekly column he gives out health tips but notes that the column “should not serve as medical advice…” which is probably just as well. His latest column covers Type One diabetes, which he defines as a “condition where pancreas produces large amounts of insulin to clear the blood of sugar from food”. Phew! I’m cured!
He then goes onto describe hypoglycaemia as a condition where with an “absence of food…may lead to death”. Eek – I thought I was cured, now a simple hypo may lead to my untimely demise. He then helpfully suggests that “you work your schedule around your meal plan, not the other way around.” Obviously he’s not heard of DAFNE or carb. counting then. Exercise is easy though – our weightlifting friend suggests that resistance training for diabetics is fine as long you “do it after at least two meals”. Why after two meals I wonder?
So there you have it – quality diabetes education for us all! Who needs a specialist diabetes nurse to help you when you have the depth of knowledge inherant in Indonesian body builders?
Brilliant! There’s nothing like a good piece of basic stupidity to brighten up the day.
Sadly I couldn’t find a royalty-free picture of our friend to acompany the article; but you can do a Google image search here to see what he looks like: http://images.google.co.uk/images?q=Ade+Rai
Dishy isn’t he?
@Tim His response really gives bodybuilders a bad image, intelligence-wise. 😀 I’ll bet our friend Doug Burns, a bodybuilder and fellow Type 1, could teach him a thing or two…
I shall take this advice immediately.
Wait. I’m cured right? So I don’t need to follow anyone’s advice.
Thanks for the quirky and funny post.
Sorry for lack of comments lately. I always read tho!!
It has been noted and you will be punished. As soon as we find a way of doing so.
@Mark I have to confess I’ve never quite seen the attraction of body-building. But there we go…
Boo to briefings given by brawny briefs…although all that muscle must ensure an endless supply for gluconeogenesis !
Well it’s good to know my pancreas is producing lots of insulin! I guess I can throw all this lantus and novorapid in the bin then…
I particularly like “Hope you can take these suggestions to your physician.” Imagining the look on my doctor’s face if I walked in with those suggestions has kept me giggling all day. 😀
Thanks Tim but I am still awaiting my punishment. Can it be done ‘cross the pond? It’s boring here.
@CALpumper It’s a roller-coaster ride of thrills and spills over here in the UK – you just don’t know what you’re missing!
Hmmm what an idiot. If only my pancreas did produce any insulin ha ha ha!
I wonder what he has been reading to get that bizarre info and more to the point how did you find it?! ;0)
I’m a huge fan of The Jakarta News – isn’t everyone?