Diabetes on the Radio again!

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    • #10057
      Peter Childs


      Someone need to give that news hound a prod again,

      I will have to remember to listen tonight.

    • #13782
      Annette A

      Delve through the BBC guff to the link with the actual document in it. It makes for interesting reading. (And also gives accurate numbers for the current NICE guidelines for levels such as BP, A1C and cholesterol.)

    • #13783

      The Dutch media had coverage of more positive news today, about the research of Bart Roep LUMC Leiden on a cure for diabetes I. These scientists studied pancreas from diabetics who just died and by surprise found working beta cells. The scientific paper is published in Nature Medicine en het Journal of Experimental Medicine.

      Roep carefully states that he can see a light at the end of the tunnel for type I diabetics (sounds partly like a call for funding and partly a true belief)

    • #13784
      Peter Childs

      Well that answers a few questions…. Medway are third from Bottom, so no wonder they are currently behaving in panic mode….. They even wanted an extra Urine from me today sample today, (Got phoned up the GP yesterday for it, something about Albumin)

      In truth the Audit tells us nothing about type one most of us who have Diabetes had not worked already……..

      It also seams to say that for Type 1 Diabetics the “target” HBA1c of 7.5 or less is almost impossible, given the current levels of care and control.


    • #13789

      @peterchilds – Neville & Nugent are dogs, so allowances have to be made for the fact that they don’t see everything. They’re often busy chasing sticks, sniffing and chasing cats, etc. But they pass on their thanks for finding and posting!

      @marijn – that sounds interesting. But I suspect any cure will be ten year’s away (isn’t it always?). Do you have a link to the research?

    • #13790
      Annette A

      There’s a bit on Roep here: http://www.rnw.nl/africa/node/621976 but I have heard that some T1s have this (and they tend to be the ones who live until they’re 100 without many complications) and some dont. Read about it via SixUntilMe some time ago. So it isnt really a cure if not all diabetics have it…

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