Weeks 15-17: it’s oh so quiet

By | 5 December, 2012
Generic baby-related pictorial filler

Generic baby-related pictorial filler

Week 15: Shhh, I’m almost afraid to say this for fear it might break the spell, but things seem to have quietened down a bit. Insulin requirements are still dropping ever so slightly, but are the nearest they’ve been to stable for months.

Week 16:  Captain, we’ve got this under control. Things are stable. I haven’t adjusted my basal rates in over a week – the longest they’ve gone unchanged since the start of pregnancy. I’m still monitoring like a demon, but it’s nice to have a bit of a quieter period on the diabetes front, it gives me time to enjoy the pregnancy side of things.

The bump is growing at pace so I’ve moved into maternity jeans. These are the most comfortable clothing known to womankind, I’m hooked. The only problem is where to stick the pump. In my naivety I initially bought a pair of jeans that sit below the bump, but they’ve gone back to the shop because I felt like I had a ;

Category: Living with diabetes Pregnancy Tags:

About Alison

Diagnosed with Type One in 1983 at the age of four, Alison's been at this for a while now. She uses Humalog in a combined insulin pump and continuous glucose monitoring system and any blood glucose meter as long as it takes five seconds or less.

4 thoughts on “Weeks 15-17: it’s oh so quiet

  1. Tim

    Ohh, second comment – where do I get these maternity jeans you speak of? They sound great – do they make them for men?

    1. Alison Post author

      They’re amazing, I fear I may never go back to normal jeans again. I’ve never been so comfy! They should make a male version, I imagine they’d be very good for beer bellies

      1. Tim

        I’m working hard on my beer belly, so I think we’ve spotted a gap in the market. To the Patent Office!!


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